Giant mantas swim around awed scuba divers in the Galapagos Islands

1 year ago

These mantas live in the remote waters of the Galapagos Islands. Three strong currents collide in these waters to form an upwelling of nutrients from the sea floor. This creates a source of food for small fish and plankton, creating a unique environment and a thriving ecosystem. Larger animals come here to feed and to drift on the currents effortlessly.

These giant manta rays have gathered by the hundreds to engage in courtship rituals and feeding behaviours. The scuba divers who
found themselves among these majestic giants were thrilled at the once in a lifetime encounter. The mantas were so plentiful that the scuba divers could not avoid them, even if they wanted to. To witness such gigantic beasts swimming gracefully past, close enough to touch was an experience that will never be forgotten.

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