Neurotic Claims - Why People Love To Manipulate You!! #shorts #selfhate #mentalhealth #neurosis

1 year ago

About This Video
Do you struggle with self-hate? In this video, we explore the root cause of self-hate and how it develops. We dive into the concept of the idealized self, neurotic pride, and the inner conflict between the real and ideal self. Discover the two types of self-hate and why it can be so strong and merciless. Join us as we unravel the complexities of self-hate and what you can do to overcome it.

About Karen Horney
Karen Horney's "Neurosis and Human Growth" is a landmark work in the field of psychoanalytic theory and psychotherapy. It was first published in 1950 and remains an influential text in the field of psychology and mental health.

In the book, Horney presents a theory of neurosis that challenges Freudian psychoanalysis. Horney believed that neurosis was not caused solely by unconscious conflicts and sexual impulses, as Freud had posited. Rather, she believed that neurosis arose from a person's basic anxiety, which is rooted in their relationship with their parents and their sense of self-worth.

Horney argued that a child's sense of self-worth is developed through their relationships with their parents. If a child receives consistent love and validation from their parents, they will develop a healthy sense of self-worth. However, if a child does not receive this validation, they may develop feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and low self-esteem. These feelings can persist into adulthood and lead to the development of neurotic behaviours.

Horney also discussed the three major neurotic trends that people may develop in response to their anxiety: the compliant type, the aggressive type, and the detached type. Each type is a coping mechanism that people develop to deal with their anxiety, but ultimately, they can lead to further emotional problems.

Overall, Horney's "Neurosis and Human Growth" presents a holistic view of the human psyche and emphasizes the importance of a person's relationships and self-worth in their mental health. Her ideas have influenced many subsequent theories and approaches to psychotherapy, and her work remains relevant to understanding human behaviour and emotional health.

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