Is Finnster a transmaxxer?

1 year ago

Hi guys, Today I am gonna attempt to answer the question if Finnster is a transmaxxer. I was inspired to do after I saw a comment on one of my older videos. I would have almost forgoten but after I recently chacked out @SandmanMGTOW 's channel for research on TFL. I decided to lurk around a bit and found a couple videos on transmaxxing. In them he again and agian mentioned Finnster. Well, let's just say I think an insiders perspective is needed.

I am also considering making this a series. So let me know who you would like me to take a look at next.

00:00 - Introduction
00:49 - Is Finnster trans?
02:06 - Does someone need to be trans to be a transmaxxer
02:40 - Does Finnster take steps typically assoicated with male to female gender transition
03:26 - Conclusion

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