TOP 22 GAMES OF THE YEAR 2022! - Best played and best released games on Nintendo Switch and PS5. 🎄

1 year ago

Here are the best games of the year on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation! Happy holidays everyone ☺ It's finally time for what may be one of my favorite videos of the year; my summary of the best games I've played in 2022! This year has been amazing from start to finish with stellar releases almost every month, it's almost been difficult to know what to play.

00:00 Intro
00:43 Not Released #2
01:29 Not Released #1
01:55 Not Released, but I played
03:21 Game of the Year #7
04:19 Game of the Year #6
04:51 Game of the Year #5
05:37 Game of the Year #4
06:49 Game of the Year #3
08:25 Game of the Year #2
10:29 Game of the Year #1
12:19 Honorable Mentions
15:35 Best Indie Game
16:13 Special holidays ending

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