Klondike Eulachon "Hooligan"Fishing

1 year ago

Klondike Eulachon Fishing Research
Intrepid biologists are studying hooligan, an important area fish. This research represents a partnership between Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, the Skagway Traditional Council, and Taiya Inlet Watershed Council.
Each spring, eulachon, or "hooligan," return to the coastal rivers of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia to spawn . Eulachon are small, oily, silvery fish that play a big role in this region. Each spring, the calorie-rich fish is the first food source for many animals and humans.
The park is monitoring eulachon to find out more about how this species is doing. This is a new area of research for the region. Determining current environmental health will help identify potential risks to the population.
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