Minecraft - Up And Over - Let's Play Along With Piggy Episode 44 [Season 2]

1 year ago

Two roads meet at a river. How are we to cross it?!

Let's Play Along With Piggy
A New Style of Minecraft Let's Play

Map Seed : 2288935090188968982 / Load this seed in Minecraft 1.8 or higher for PC

Join me, thepigglesworth, in my Minecraft LP (Let's Play). During each episode a project will be accomplished and you, the audience, are invited to play along. Finish the project and send pictures to my Twitter @2piggles. Don't worry if you are playing PC, console, or pocket edition. Don't worry if you are in survival or creative. Don't worry how good you think your build is. I will do my best to retweet every build!

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Twitter : @2Piggles http://bit.ly/1FMyhrk
Playlists :
Tutorials : http://bit.ly/1wwMKpv
Let's Play Along With Piggy : http://bit.ly/1wxYmrt
A Tale of Two Piggies : http://bit.ly/1IxqS0B
Piggy's Epiphanies : http://bit.ly/1szdUe5
Piggy's Quick Tips : http://bit.ly/1C2up27
Piggy Plays Raincloud SMP : http://bit.ly/1uQIoDR
Playing With A Fullstack : http://bit.ly/1uhahtK
"acoustic breeze" by: www.bensound.com
Shader pack : CrankerMan's TME Shaders / http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2302419-crankermans-tme-shaders-v2-1-17-05-2015-chocapic13
Sky textures: "Halcyon Days" - http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/resource-packs/1245215-32x-halcyon-days-resource-pack-1-1-1-7-x-support
"Let's Eat Along With Piggy" and "Winter" Texture Pack created by Deathinator (Twitter @DnatorGames http://bit.ly/1RtVNxK)

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