If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect

1 year ago

2Tim.4 (KJV)
[1] I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
[2] Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
I am getting pretty fed up with sanctimonious evangelical pastors who recognize the sin in others while ignoring their own spiritual pride. Take for example their latest attack on tranny pole dancing hour in libraries where men dressed as Parisian tarts on payday twerk provocatively in front of tiny tots. Do not mistake my meaning, that activity is abhorrent and must be condemned by who any of good conscience. What I do not understand is the complete lack of knowledge among these Christian activists as to where this perversion originated since this ideology is clearly spelled out as Cultural Marxist Doctrine in Critical Theory. There is a reason Christ didn’t attend the Roman forum to condemn the perverted activities happening there. He focused on how the religious elite had abandoned their calling while cloaking themselves in faux righteousness even as they added unnecessary legal burdens to God’s chosen people of Israel. There was no meat in their teaching, only moralizing and they cooperated with Rome in this breaking of the covenant with God.
I watched Pastor Derek Reimer’s arrest being streamed by him or another supporter on TikTok which is a streaming platform controlled by the CCP for the purpose of collecting data on anyone who defies the interests of the CCP. What on earth do you think renowned persecutors of Christians like the CCP will use this information for? In an article published on March 27th in Forbes entitled TikTok’s Links To China Demand A Serious U.S. Response written by Michael Posner who is Senior Contributor and writes about human rights and leadership in a global context Posner states; “The battle over TikTok has become a proxy for worsening U.S.-Chinese relations and the anxieties generated by that clash. Shou Chew, TikTok’s chief executive officer, was grilled for five hours last week by members of Congress concerned primarily about potential Chinese government interference in the company’s U.S. operations. The hearing took place amid growing fear in Congress and the Biden Administration that a Chinese technology company can’t be relied upon to protect user privacy and may be exploited by the Chinese government to disrupt our democratic process. While the challenge posed by TikTok is clear, the way forward is not.
From: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelposner/2023/03/27/tiktoks-links-to-china-demands-a-serious-us-response/?sh=7e511cc33d9b
This speaks both to the incredible naivety of the American population in general as well as to the utter ignorance of the Pastors involved in streaming on TikTok regarding what the CCP will do with the information they are being granted access to. It is fascinating to note on this Good Friday that cooperating with their ideological opponent is exactly what the Pharisees and Sadducees did with Rome. They failed to understand that it is impossible to use the weapons of the enemy to serve God. Repeatedly I have offered to assist them to better understand the Neo-Marxist ideology behind the transactivist movement which is broadly associated with other forms of Marxist activism with the broader context of the Diversity, Inclusiveness and Equity Religion. Each time I have offered to assist them, each time I contacted them to offer my help, every time I shared demonstrably provable information based upon sound doctrine I have either been turned down or ignored. How fitting that I reflect upon this betrayal of sound doctrine on this day when He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

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