The only path to true independence is dependence. Also #Top3 walk up songs. EP 117

1 year ago

Chet’s first eye doctor visit of his life! Will it solve his shotgunning woes? What you would hear if the boys played baseball.

This week, Matt Amos, Chet Sears, and Troy Trussell cover Chet's first ever eye doctor visit? What forced him to the doctor? His shotgunning has been declining. We discuss our top 3 walk up songs. Troy closes the epidode with a good word on true independence.

**Topics discussed:**
1. What's On Your Mind: Is vision a talent? will a visit to the optomitrist fix Chet's decline in shotgunning?
2. Top 3 Walk Up Songs: Cochise, Audioslave, I Got Mine, The Black Keys, Battle Without Honor or Humanity, Hotei, Fireman, Lil Wayne, My Son John, John C. Reilly, You're The Best, Chop Suey, System of a Down, Got The Life, Korn, Bulls on Parade, Rage Against The Machine, Part of Me, Tool, Wake Up
3. A Good Word: Independence Psalm 26:1-5


Matt Amos
Chet Sears
Troy Trussell

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