Sobolev and Kozak: Using Law and Inditement in The Peoples Democracy

1 year ago

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This is a full disclosure of the bureaucratic state as predicted in Brutus #5.

This past week is about the key elements of Sobolev and Kozak: Using Law and Indictment in the Peoples Democracy. If you think you have had any liberty at all in you life, you live in the Matrix where your complete reality is fabricated for you.
Tyranny encroached and then subsumed our Liberties when the Bureaucracies came into existence and were codified. See reference #8 for a brief history.
Using Law and Indictment
In Brutus essay No. V it is written (my emphasis added):
To detail the particulars comprehended in the general terms, taxes, duties, imposts and excises, would require a volume, instead of a single piece in a news-paper. Indeed it would be a task far beyond my ability, and to which no one can be competent, unless possessed of a mind capable of comprehending every possible source of revenue; for they extend to every possible way of raising money, whether by direct or indirect taxation. Under this clause may be imposed a poll-tax, a land-tax, a tax on houses and buildings, on windows and fire places, on cattle and on all kinds of personal property:—It extends to duties on all kinds of goods to any amount, to tonnage and poundage on vessels, to duties on written instruments, newspapers, almanacks, and books:—It comprehends an excise on all kinds of liquors, spirits, wines, cyder, beer, etc. and indeed takes in duty or excise on every necessary or conveniency of life;..... read the rest at the link above.

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