Kaos Also Heals

1 year ago

Today the proposal will be bilingual. Two videos will be made available simultaneously on a new proposal: Chaos Also Heals. Unfortunately many people understand the Chaos only as destruction, and forget that this destruction only exists to create changes, to generate a reconstruction.
The period varies, but that is this purpose. Let us remember that the flower that suffers is the seed for the new plant, in their common natural function. Sure ...
There are those carnivorous, but are out of this reproductive context. In the human case, wise people remember that your major life changes for the better only occurred when they were bottom of the hole, and reverted to their own reality to "save" themselves.
Watching in the the hole of the rabitt...
Remember the seed that fell and generated a new plant?
Necessary to point out that, like all egregore of healing, the participation of any person is required by a belief, even in atheism (in itself or same), for any effectiveness.
We are what we do, sown for what we believe. Then a not planted seed is doomed to death, or existential "deleting" .
We recommend that already let Chaos do his part, because no matter if you "know" or not how it works, you need only reap its results.
The rest is a high risk time investment, with 99.99% chance of total loss of your time invested by the petty reach of our concepts.
Best practice than trying to explain.
You'll only attempt to explain...
As in the physical part, rather than the conceptual, we are in the universe and not the universe is in us, now we will act in an exchange of energy to give and receive simultaneously, as well does the existential mechanism of action and reaction.
So the only difference of Chaos Magic for all and any beliefs is that instead of submitting ourselves to the fruits of what divine being forces us, now we shall question and request our right to live fully and satisfactorily.
Neither opposition nor inaccessible venerable, but the divine power which is also in us as equals, neither above nor below.
Thus, after the basic structure of activities, each person uses their belief as you like, without flee their personal principles.
As an example, the Islamic, the Umbanda, the Spiritualist, the Christian, the Satanist, Evangelical or any belief that is and Chaos Magick practitioner, can both receive and send healing energy to solve their respective problems.
Who knows Pragmatic Chaos Magick knows it has eight purposes:

1 - Death Magic (included Health)
2 - Prosperity Magic (Wealth)
3 - Mental Magic,
4 - War Magic
5 - Ego Magic,
6 - Love Magic
7 - Sexual Magic
8 - Pure Magic

Well ... For those who do not know, "Liber KKK" in "Liber Kaos" Peter J. Carroll lightens in detail.
Within these eight purposes you can use the Chaos egregore to whatever you want.
As some people have a lot of energy and need to exercise personal balance in use of their energy, egregore of Caosphere serve for this principle.
As the waves sometimes are low tide or high tide. Thats it.
So give or receive personal energy is a natural cycle to humans and to this purpose that this activity "Chaos Also Heals" was created.
Distant, but united.
The magic of this ritual is made of the material that suits you, and may always be available.
By the rule, your will and your action on your conscience are enough, but you add whatever to your liking and effectiveness.
The sequence first starts with banishing your liking (to perform as a centralization), then opens the gate of Chaos in "Caosphere Ritual", so if you have a belief in particular beforehand, then connects with this by a prayer or any method you like for at least 10 minutes to do this sending and receiving energy.
In this momento you will be the center of chaos and allowed change to occur in your life.
This is done, know that accepted the change in final and thy will be done.
As well it is and so will thank the energies called by Caosfera and close your belief portal, then make the closing of Caosphere and then again the ban, to which your right mind is restored in the ordinary events of daily life.

You can perform any number of times and for the purposes you want, but always remember that the action and reaction structure, just ask not solve, must act.

You need to work for your goals in the best possible way.

Thank you in advance.

Magia do Caos
a - Estudo de Liber Kaos de Peter Carroll

b - Estudo de Liber Nulo & Psiconauta de Peter Carroll

c - Estudo de Caos Condensado do Phil Hine

d - Estudo de Caos Primordial de Phil Hine

e - Estudo de Caos & Feitiçaria - https://www.amazon.com/-/pt/gp/product/B0BTWY3Y1P/

e - Magia Mental: Imaginação

f - Magia Prática de Servidores

g - Peças da Magia Caótica

k - Magia de Sigilos

l - Encantamentos

m - E-BOOK - IMP do Amor

IMP Roteção; Método Moderno de Operar Diabretes

g - Estudo de Convocação dos Espíritos de Martin Coleman

h - Estudos sobre feitiçaria financeira de Jason Miller

e - Grimorio Elementar

Livro de Spitzalod

Livro de Milianthros

Livro de Dakmonias

Todos os 4 livros da "Coleção Grimorium Verum - Carpe Nicrum" + BARATOS

1 - Introdução - Coleção Grimorium Verum; Carpe Nicrum

2 - Alta Hierarquia - Coleção Grimorium Verum; Carpe Nicrum

3 - Baixa Hierarquia - Coleção Grimorium Verum; Carpe Nicrum

4 - Esquecidos - Coleção Grimorium Verum; Carpe Nicrum

A "Coleção Grimoire Goétia" nos três volumes para teu desenvolvimento:

Theurgia - 8592490618

Rituais 1 (Daemon 1 - 37) - 8592490626

Rituais 2 (Daemon 38 - 72) - 859249060X

Magia do Necronomicon
a - Grimorio Necronomicon (Comprar nos EUA é menos que a METADE do preço!!!!)

b - Magia De Marduk; Complemento Do Grimório Necronomicon

Magia com Anjos
a - Sagrado Anjo Guardião Coleção Liber Angelicus

b - Magia com Anjos Cabalísticos Coleção Liber Angelicus

c - Magia Enoquiana Coleção Liber Angelicus

E-BOOK - Pactos de Prosperidade com Daemons

E-BOOK - Pactos Sexuais com Daemons

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