Emerald Triangle, California | Ghost Towns, Alexander Von Humboldt, and The Donner Party

1 year ago

On this Episode of Esoteric America the gang is back together, virtually, in The Emerald Triangle Area, in Northern California, we discuss the lost history of the wagon trails, and the infamous Donner Party, Alexander Von Humboldt who gave his name to a county in the Triangle, and we discuss the vast wilderness and the rugged outposts that are scattered throughout this fertile mountainous region that grows my favorite plant. Did you know Jerry Garcia's father drowned in the same forest where the first bigfoot was caught on film, find out the details about that and so much more on this episode of Esoteric America.
Email us at esotericamericapodcast@gmail.com if you'd like to research your local area and share it with us, or tell a friend.

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Roman's Podcast: https://altmediaunited.com/rising-ft-ashes/ RSS/XML Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/risingfromtheashes/feed.xml

Mark and Tara's Podcast: https://myfamilythinksimcrazy.com/ RSS Feed: https://feeds.transistor.fm/my-family-thinks-im-crazy

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Music Credits
Song: On The Horizon
By Belladrone

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