1988 Presidential candidate George HW Bush uses the high freemasonry reference of "1,000 POINTS OF LIGHT!!".

1 year ago

This "THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT" reference is what Bill Cooper brought up in that interview with the 32 degree freemason back in the 1990's.

Of course George HW Bush would later change "1,000 Points of light" into a CHARITY and say it is about helping communities to fool people on its real & original meaning.

Here is Dr Stan Monteith interviewing the great Alan Watt of CUTTINGTHOUGHTHEMATRIX.COM- Alan Watt passed away on March 4th 2021.

RADIO LIBERTY: Dr Stan Monteith interviewing Alan Watt (May 1, 2006)
Dr. Stan: And of course that is exactly what we’re doing today as we expand the war in the Middle East. Oh, we’re over there of course to help bring democracy and now we’re going to attack Iran and who will be next, and of course we’re doing everything we can to inflame the anger and fury and distrust of the Islamic world. After all, you have to have an enemy if you’re going to have a war and there was no animosity between the Arab and the Moslems and the Christians as a whole before the CIA got over there, and then we had all these things happening after 9/11 and of course nobody has ever asked why building seven came down. It had to have explosives in the base of it. It was at least a block away from the attack so there is no reason for building seven to come down the way it did just exploding at the base, so obviously we’re not getting the truth, but this then set off a series of events. The invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, the coming war with Iran, and what will follow that? It’s like deja vu all over again, isn’t it?

Alan: It is and what we’ll always find is these fellows write about their plan way ahead of it—almost like a legality. They’re tremendously legal in a sense. It’s not important the public understand what they’re saying but it’s important that they actually give information out in advance. We find out for instance that Papa Bush gave his speech on the New World Order on September 11 in 1990 and then followed it up the next year on September 11th again and when he said, "it’s not just a New World Order. It’s a Big Idea," and the Big Idea is straight out of High Freemasonry. They call it the Big Idea and so September 11th comes along.
It’s also an occultic date. It’s within the Ides of September when Minerva is born and in the occult tradition about Minerva is that it’s a warrior type that’s born from the head of Zeus without the aid of any other partner—self-born, self-willed into action. Then you go into Chapter 9, Verse 11 of Revelations and that’s where you’ve got "the beast is released from the bottomless pit," so this is all tied in. These guys they love to do it on these particular dates et cetera.

Dr. Stan: In fact, I’m sure your well acquainted with that phrase in George Bush’s second inaugural address that he gave out January 20th, 2005, where he talked about when our founders declared a "New Order of the Ages." They were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled.

Alan: It was and in fact when we read the writings not about Franklin but the writings by Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, both of them stated the same thing, that this would be the beginning of a federation of the world. Franklin went so far as to say it would ultimately be run by 12 wise men – 12 being the perfect number of government in the Cabala. So these guys were high Cabalists and occultists and Franklin also made a similar reference to George Bush, Sr. and people have questioned what it meant. What it was, was that Franklin said he would like to be remembered in history as "a single point of light." That’s in his own memoirs.

Dr. Stan: And of course George Bush referred to "A Thousand Points of Light," and we’ll find it repeated so frequently within the occult writings of people like Alice Bailey. But nobody is going to tell the American people that; and if they depend upon Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and CBS, ABC and NBC, all we have to look in the right lower quadrant of the CBS screen when it comes on of that eye there. That’s an ancient occult symbol but the average American is never to realize its significance or the significance of the emblem on the back of the dollar bill, which they hide in plain sight.

Alan: Also, Theodore Roosevelt made the same statement when he was going to break all the usual international rules in his day and send some marines into another country. When he was questioned about it, he said, "history is made by men who are single points of light. These men are sometimes called tyrants like the Nero’s of Rome and the Napoleons, but these are the men who change the world. It matters not how they’re judged by mankind."

In a June 1992 exclusive & published interview granted by President George H. W. Bush to Sarah McClendon, the grand dame of the White House press corps at the time.
Sarah McLendon "What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?"
President George HW Bush replied "Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.'”

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