Is Trump a Bruce “Batman” Wayne, Who Achieves Good by Rule Breaking?

1 year ago

Can We Drop All Charges & Let Trump Finally Fix America?!!

Pondering the “Trump Prosecution Persecution,” I suggested to a friend, “Roger,” we officially drop all charges against Donald, let him win reelection, then allow him to fix everything Biden’s destroyed. Afterward, if people are still angry at Donald, after he saves the day, let them chase him again. That’s not what I would prefer, but it might be his only option. Further, I believe even the Donad would agree to that deal since he’s an American patriot, warts and all. But, anti-trumpers are irrational, implacable, obdurate and will fantasize about a Don bloodlust till they croak. But at least, I say tongue in cheek, we could finally fix Liberal’s insane tantrum effects.

If Trump is Evil Incarnate, Then WHY do His Enemies Have to Falsify His “Crimes”?

Roger, “Is Trump Bruce Wayne?” And, “Doesn't Bruce Wayne do the right things while always breaking the rules?” Well, this is obviously true. A related essay popped up: “Batman's Most Controversial Rule Transforms His Entire Attitude to Crime: Batman is famous in DC Comics for his rule against killing his enemies, but he doesn't have similar reservations about breaking any other laws.”

“One of the most famous things about Batman is his one rule about no killing, but it turns out that Bruce's one rule actually warps his perception in regard to the other crimes he commits while protecting Gotham City. The Dark Knight may be opposed to outright killing his opponents, but that same restraint does not apply to all crime.

Batman has been fighting crime in Gotham City for decades, the city is full of some of the worst criminals imaginable, and it takes an entire Bat-Family to try and keep the citizens safe. Batman has broken many laws over the course of his crime-fighting career, but the one law he'll never break is murder. Time and again, Batman has gone out of his way to save the lives of some of the most vicious killers that comic books have ever seen, all because Batman has a no-kill rule that he sticks to above all else. The problem is, when Batman is so focused on not breaking his own rule, he apparently forgets not to break every other rule of society.”

And so, it’s established Batman breaks laws to serve his community. But one can’t even accuse Trump of doing this much, which is why they have to create fake prosecutions against him. Instead, Trump simply does things his way while battling the corrupt and evil elites. Therefore, the main issue against Trump is that people hated him first, because of early and constant fake news. Therefore they insist he does evil things, because he’s loathed. But that logic is upside down, backwards and totally fallacious.

Sewer Potato Joe Needs a Swift Ride Down the Commode

Yet, why was it that people originally hated Trump, anyway? It’s mostly just propaganda. First, there was a concerted, Democrat effort to ruin his presidency led by his diabolical foe, Hillary Clinton. This was embraced by a jealous Barack Obama. Also Barack’s minions – James Comey, the FBI, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. And a chorus of millions of wannabes, who realized if Trump wasn't stopped immediately their party of the Democratic socialists were in mortal danger of disappearing.

Why Trump IS Batman

But now we need to get the government off Trump’s back and allow him to do the things he does well, like problem solve and birthing big ideas. Donald must be allowed to do it his way, because it’s designed for efficiency, common sense, success and American betterment. Because, at this point, to hate and resist Trump, against the Biden Crime Family is to conjure up unmitigated failure and hell on earth. Stop nitpicking.

Boy Asks Donald: “Mr. Trump, Are You Batman?” – Trump, “I’m Batman!”

So, since it's obvious that this Quixotic Mission the Democrats are on to convict Trump for being a person worthy of hate is not going well, and is destined to fail, can we now drop it? The Democrats have already ruined their reputations. And now they're in the midst of trying to crush the country, out of jealousy and vengeance. In the meantime – free our once & future El Presidente’ – Donald Trump to fix the sewer that the suicidal, psychotic and devilish Democrats have trapped Americans in after only 2 years.

Go Brandon, drown now in your human sewer of American haters and illiterate, anti-Trump policies. Meanwhile – Viva le Trump!

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