1 year ago

Get ready to fight.

0:00:00 Stand together or we will fall separately!
0:01:38 WtS intro.
0:01:45 H.R. 127: Second amendment rape.
0:09:45 Extracts from Bill Cooper broadcast 1036.
1:36:24 Prep and stop being a sheople (song).
1:39:18 Extracts from Bill Cooper broadcast 1037.
2:28:19 New Lies for Old and the fall of the Soviet Union deception.
2:31:48 Good Americans are labelled as domestic terrorists.
2:32:20 KGB infiltration and social engineering tactics.
2:37:41 Farewell.
2:38:15 WtS outro.

From broadcast 1036 (add 10 minutes for the real timestamp):

11:44 U.N. charter on disclosure of arms.
14:49 Soviet Union deception.
16:31 Soviet Union not disarming and will be used to bring us into line.
18:38 Have not seen results yet, but it will be sudden. The blood will run.
21:20 Side that fires the first shot loses the war.
21:42 LAW - 87-297.
27:43 Now do you know why laws about restricting guns?
29:30 Holocaust was for disarmament.
30:32 Blueprint for the Peace Race.
32:35 Publication 4 from Disarmament Agency (1962), which outlines combining forces with Russia.
33:34 We are in stage 3, which is to disarm the people.
33:57 Current military numbers.
37:33 Missile silos empty and planes chopped up.
39:41 Stage 3, which is why order from chaos events (incl school shootings).
42:38 7277 and join a militia or form your own. Get ready to fight for your freedoms.
43:06 Russia not disarming and fall is a deception.
44:38 Biggest battle is to wake up the sheople so that we have a chance.
44:48 Disarmament, The United States Initiative, Publication 8, General Series 5, 1962.
46:41 The Cold War was a scam to bring about disarmament.
47:13 Toward a world without war. A summary of disarmament (1962).
48:15 American Journal of International Law, volume 62.
49:12 Zonal inspection for disarmament; began with school weapons ban zones.
49:36 LAW - ATF can set up road blocks and take weapons.
50:03 Principals of disarmament.
50:34 Strengthening of U.N.
51:21 U.S. is a vassal state of U.N., admitted in law and by judges.
52:04 Disarmament to be balanced and verified.
54:03 Breakup of Soviet Union was a scam for disarmament. Take off fur coat and join a militia.
54:46 Disarmament Proposals book, Sohn, 1964.
55:04 Arms Control and National Security by U.S. Disarmament Agency.
58:06 Open skies. Russia gets special privileges.
59:48 Russia will enforce formation of NWO, along with U.S. military.
1:00:51 The Tenth Special Session (on disarmament). International force for disarmament.
1:02:42 Shill, Rush Limbaugh, then continues.
1:03:40 No NWO?
1:04:07 Resolution S10-2.
1:05:20 Rush knows about this, but will not tell you.
1:05:36 Resolution S10-2 and Disarmament Publication 88, 1976.
1:07:53 Weather control agreement.
1:09:12 Circumventing the representative government through treaty.
1:09:54 Our weapons banned by treaty, on a regional basis.
1:12:23 Bases turned into prisons and mental health facilities.
1:15:46 Establishment of New Economic Order and the Euro.
1:16:32 No NWO? You are insane!
1:17:45 Rose, symbol of socialism.
1:19:33 The Roman circus is back.
1:21:05 Don't want to be responsible and get on a list; compared to real patriots.
1:22:13 Sending our children to war is NOT for freedom.
1:24:08 Numbers of militia in wars.

From broadcast 1037 (add 1:39:18):

0:00 Hitler was a socialist and attempted to set up a NWO.
3:00 Waco, and so-called Christians say they deserved it.
4:18 U.N. address from Truman on cooperative disarmament.
5:52 Truman 33rd degree Freemason.
6:02 Looking around to find enemy and thought it was Soviet Union.
6:22 The clash of capitalism and communism is to result in socialism.
6:54 Treasonous court rulings on second amendment.
7:43 HoT only place that you get the truth.
8:49 Men up to 45 are part of the militia.
9:30 Continue court rulings.
15:25 Two books you must obtain, including New Lies for Old.
17:09 The Soviet Union took over the whole world.
18:01 Don't believe me or anyone else.
18:43 Continue court rulings.
20:23 You always thought it was inviolable, and it is if there is a militia to stop it.
21:06 Common law - He who does not defend his rights has none.
21:15 Continue court rulings.
23:41 They're going to take your guns. Many more pages.
24:08 No army can defeat 240 million pissed off Americans.
24:44 Tribesmen in Afghanistan defeated the might of Soviet Union. More examples.
26:08 Are you willing to die for principals and ideals?
26:19 If not, don't send children to war.
27:24 Henry's barber shop: An example of the mentality of the sheople.
30:42 My goal was to wake enough so that we didn't have to fight.
32:40 You MUST have a militia.
33:14 Americans will be called upon to fight.
33:27 U.N. yearbook on disarmament and International control of American disarmament.
36:05 Only arms necessary for internal order.
40:27 I'm against peace or world government?
41:01 All people who have been

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