Brendon O'Connell Is Scratching His Face Due to Energy Weapon Attacks in This Video

1 year ago

Nano-tech, Energy Weapons are mostly used for annoyances. But they could blur his vision or even make him feel dizzy, but more typically they like to confirm his body is laced with magnetic nano-particles by showing the world that he scratches his face. (It tells other Luciferians watching the vid that Brendon is soon to be captured and to not worry about his rebellious acts.) If the Medical Mafia covertly brainchips Brendon, then they can render him instantly unconscious or even remote-control his body via microwave communications: A bio-robot toddler:

Once the flesh is laced with magnetic nano-particles, (see Polina Anikeeva expose their technology: ) then magnetic energy weapons can interact with the skin and the joints and internal organs. Creating itching of the skin requires the celdar nano-tech to monitor Brendon's body. Then the nano-tech magnetic beams can "tickle" Brendon's face. This shows you that the Masonic Luciferians "rising" their NWO-Utopia-For-Thugs are stepping-up their attacks upon Brendon. Sheople know nothing about the secret weapons that are being manufactured in DUMBs. Don't be a sheep... they get culled by Freemason assassins. If you lay down and die of fright, then you are avoiding your challenge to fight for right and oppose the wrong. Freemasons and Luciferians have chosen to help Homo capensis extinct Homo sapiens. They are traitors to their own genetics and you must make a choice to protect your species genetics in opposition to the traitors who are in every position of authority. The Mystery School Cult makes up about 1% of all Homo sapiens... Blackmailed authorities will quickly help the people fighting for good-intent with a sudden change in faith knowing how honorable-less the wicked Freemasons have become as they collectively murder innocent children as a brainchipped-hivemind-collective serving A.i. fake-gods and ancient devils.

The Luciferian, homeland-sickurity are now stepping up their surveillance and attacks upon Brendon.
Mike Gill will have been bombarded with nano-tech which he does not understand... Brendon does not understand the technology now being used to interfere with his efforts to save humanity from the Freemason monsters and their ancient monster-masters.

Tucker Carlson has in his backdrop a Masonic (symbolic) magnetic-dome with a Lantern(the light of Lucifer) on top. If you study the work of David LaPoint... he shows you... and the Freemasons covertly brainchipped LaPoint before he finished teaching his Plasma reseach results on Youtube. Freemasons have been using the "voice of god" weapon on LaPoint to confuse him and redirect his efforts before economic collapse and the rise of the NWO-takeover.

Russell Brand is a 33 degree masonic thUg:

The war that he warns about was also given by the brainchip-puppet "celestial":

Support this guy, he is one of the good ones.

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