ngxs concepts

1 year ago

NGXS introduces several key concepts for state management in Angular applications. These concepts include:

Store: The Store is the central repository for all the application state. It holds a tree-like structure of state objects which are immutable. The store can be accessed from any component or service in the application.

Actions: Actions represent the intent to change the state of the application. Actions are dispatched to the store and are handled by reducers. Actions can carry payload data, which is used by reducers to update the state.

Reducers: Reducers are pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. Reducers are responsible for updating the state of the application based on the action dispatched.

Selectors: Selectors are functions that are used to select a subset of the state from the store. Selectors can be used to filter, transform or combine the state in the store.

Plugins: Plugins are used to extend the functionality of the store. Plugins can be used to perform actions like logging, persistence or to add middleware to the store.

Dispatch: Dispatch is the process of sending an action to the store. The dispatch process triggers the reducer function, which updates the state of the application.

Subscribe: The subscribe method allows components to listen to changes in the state of the application. When the state of the application changes, subscribers will receive an updated copy of the state.

These concepts are the building blocks of NGXS, and they provide a powerful and consistent way to manage state in Angular applications. By using these concepts, developers can build complex applications that are easy to reason about and maintain.

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