20230407 - Liberty Minute

1 year ago

Protests inside the Tennessee state capital yesterday raise questions.
I'm Peter Serefine with another Liberty Minute.
I carry a gun to protect those around me. I am a member of Right To Bear to protect my legal rights. Use code LIGHTHOUSE at ProtectWithBear.com for affordable carry insurance.
Protesters swarmed the Tennessee state capital building yesterday as votes were being taken to expel three Democrat members of the state house.
The vote to expel the three Democrats is because last week those three joined in another protest inside the capital. That protest disrupted the proceedings of the legislature.
I'm not sure how to feel about this. Should elected officials be removed because they protested and disrupted the proceedings?
One thing I definitely noticed is that nobody is reporting on the storming of this state capital as an insurrection.
1,000 people have been prosecuted for storming a capital building and disrupting an official proceeding on January 6th, 2021.
How is this any different? Oh, because these protesters want gun control.
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Until next time, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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