How the Media Manipulates Public Opinion about War and Conflict

1 year ago

The film examines the ways in which governments and powerful institutions use the media to manipulate public perception of war and the consequences of that manipulation.

The film features interviews with journalists, experts, and politicians, who provide insights into the relationship between the media and the military-industrial complex. Pilger argues that the media has often failed in its role as a watchdog, and has instead acted as a cheerleader for war, echoing the government's propaganda and obscuring the true costs and consequences of conflict.

One of the key themes of the film is the way in which the media has been used to justify wars, particularly the Iraq War. Pilger shows how the media uncritically repeated the claims of the Bush administration, presenting a distorted picture of the reasons for the invasion and ignoring the voices of those who questioned the war's legality and morality.

Through a series of case studies and interviews, Pilger also explores the impact of war on civilians and the challenges faced by journalists in reporting on conflict. He highlights the difficulties that journalists face in accessing information, and the pressure that they are under to conform to government narratives.

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