The halo missile brings both fear and flame #halomissile #usaf #usmilitary

1 year ago

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Lockheed Martin and Raytheon have been awarded contracts by the United States Navy to develop prototypes of a ship-killing, air-launched hypersonic weapon. The contracts, valued at a total of $116 million, were announced by Naval Air Systems Command on Tuesday evening.

The weapon, called the Hypersonic Air Launched Offensive Anti-Surface (HALO), is designed to address advanced threats and enable the Navy to operate in contested battle space in littoral waters and anti-access/area denial environments. Both Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are expected to produce preliminary designs by the end of 2024, with a prototype test flight to follow.

HALO is the follow-on program to the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile, which was produced by Lockheed Martin and is currently fielded on the Navy’s F/A-18 and the Air Force’s B-1B. The new weapon’s fielding is planned for “later this decade,” according to the Navy’s announcement.

“The Navy recently funded an upgrade to the existing weapon which will incorporate missile hardware and software improvements to enhance targeting capabilities,” the announcement added.

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