A Quiet Place -Music Video

1 year ago

The Loud Cry Presents:
"A Quiet Place" by Lauretta Maritz
(Video added by The Loud Cry - video artwork produced by bible-scenes.com and used under the Creative Common License Attribution By 4.0 - see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.)

In heeding the call to repentance, may you be set free to be a light in this world, bringing hope to the lives of those you meet.

Share the joy of the love of Jesus in preparation for His soon return.

All music credit and copyright due to Lauretta Maritz and Clash Of Minds.
All video credit due to Jeremy Park and bible-scenes.com

With Thanks to ClashOfMinds, Jeremy Park & bible-scenes.com for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and on YouTube.

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