Let's Check the VOICEMAIL! #2

5 years ago

Today, we listen to a few messages from the voicemail line!

The Angry Quad --- http://bit.ly/angryQUAD

**The best way to contact me is via DM on Twitter**
My Second Channel - - - - https://www.youtube.com/myshoeisonfire
Patreon!- - - - https://www.patreon.com/weirdPDX
Twitter!- - - - - https://twitter.com/everyoneisdumb
Twitter message link - - - https://goo.gl/irX6gD
Instagram!- - - https://www.instagram.com/nothing_strange_here
Donate BITCOIN: 1Rnwz9bAWWVgHwXnS9aR5WCQEjyLnvPMh

Patreon's Links to check out:
Austin Crawford’s MSA awareness video — https://youtu.be/3HYaeuHFE_w
Agustin’s Fundraiser - - - http://bit.ly/gofund-wheelchair-van
DrSpectral’s music - - - https://goo.gl/AzLaTx
MJ Regimbald's Flickr --- https://goo.gl/hiy3LL
Eli Anderson - instagram.com/eli.c.anderson/
SPOON - - - https://www.thingiverse.com/Spoon77/designs

Mailing Address:
Totally Normal
1327 SE Tacoma St
Portland OR 97202

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