VLOG 553: BMW power-wheels PART 3!

4 years ago

It's been a while! lets get the Remote Control BMW power wheels RC car running!! i finally found some reasonably priced parts on amazon to make it happen!

Amazon Affiliate Links:
Dual Motor Controller - - - https://amzn.to/3c3SOOn
Wiring Connector Kit - - - https://amzn.to/2O6quD9

Part one of this series has the joystick repair in it! - - - https://youtu.be/oioHxmoxSj4
Power-Wheels Playlist - - - http://bit.ly/power-wheels-playlist

0:00 intro
4:14 testing controller
5:32 planning
7:06 steering
9:12 power input
10:32 wiring!
15:17 brakes
18:42 output protection
21:42 POWER UP!
25:52 take two!
26:52 let's drive!
28:10 thoughts..

Wheelchair Repair Resources - - - http://brokenwheelchairs.com
Check out the channel on LBRY! - - - https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TotallyNormal:d
The Second Channel (myshoeisonfire)- - - - https://www.youtube.com/myshoeisonfire

Music Licensing - - - https://app.soundstripe.com/referrals/13244
(20% off first payment for soundstripe standard plans!)

**The best/quickest way to contact me is with a DM on twitter!**
Twitter! - - - https://twitter.com/everyoneisdumb
Twitter DM message link - - - https://goo.gl/irX6gD
Instagram!- - - https://www.instagram.com/nothing_strange_here
Email is not recommended - but it’s listed on the channel ‘about’ page
(Email replies may take a few weeks) Twitter DM’s are usually same day!

**Support Options!**
Become a YouTube Member! - - - https://bit.ly/TN-membership
Amazon Affiliate link - - - https://bit.ly/amazon_click-thru
Patreon!- - - - https://www.patreon.com/weirdPDX
Donate BITCOIN: 1Rnwz9bAWWVgHwXnS9aR5WCQEjyLnvPMh
CashAPP: $totallynormal

Patreon's Links to check out:
Austin Crawford - wheels for a cause — http://bit.ly/wheels4aCAUSE
DrSpectral’s music - - - https://goo.gl/AzLaTx
Eli Anderson - instagram.com/eli.c.anderson/
SPOON - 3D printed chair parts- - - https://www.thingiverse.com/Spoon77/designs
Extraordinary on wheel’s Blog - - - https://extraordinaryonwheels.tumblr.com/

Mailing Address:
Totally Normal
1327 SE Tacoma St
Portland OR 97202

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