"Zuwei" Proving time & time again, They Need To Be Shutdown...They Still Owe Me For This Guitar 🎸

1 year ago

During my replacement/swap of Zuweis stúock locking nut, thoroughly investigated both Locking nuts, what I found on the stock was, beyond unsettling. Zuwei Guitars went file happy to the Metal sooooo BAD!!! Damn thing looks like the Grand Canyon of guitar defects hahaah

a massive positive is that.....All buzzing issues that have PLAGUED my guitar, have been remedied 👈🏼🤘🏻😎🤓🤘🏻💯🦾

If you or anyone you know bought any kind of KNOCKOFFF Guitar (brand) from either eBay or Ali Express, I know-how and what issues you're going to have an know-how to tackle each issue.

I'll only charge $10 to do remote, walk-through teach repair

The sellers on eBay (Zuwei Guitars is one) sell their same products on Ali Express as well. I'm trying every day to flag the ads but they'll put new within minutes

@leearmitage you ever run into anything like this??

--my links--



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