Jack Symes on Panpsychism vs. Dualism & the Evil-god Challenge

1 year ago

Philosopher and host of the Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast, Jack Symes, joins me to discuss all things philosophy ranging from issues related to the existence of God and Dualism vs. Panpsycism, the Evil-god challenge, the nature of consciousness, etc.

RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) = https://realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2023/04/06/jack-symes-on-panpsychism-vs-dualism-the-evil-god-challenge/

YouTube Video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwieOV3Jwzs

Audio Only Link = https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/real-seeker-ministries/episodes/Jack-Symes-on-Panpsychism-vs–Dualism–the-Evil-god-Challenge-e21sqn0

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