1 year ago

BEST PRESENTATION TO DATE. Juan is allowed to detail out the exact moments of JESUS CHRIST as he experiences the last moments - THE PASSION.
If ever there was a film with the correct title, that film is Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." Although the word passion has become mixed up with romance, its Latin origins refer to suffering and pain; later Christian theology broadened that to include Christ's love for mankind, which made him willing to suffer and die for us.
The movie is 126 minutes long, and I would guess that at least 100 of those minutes, maybe more, are concerned specifically and graphically with the details of the torture and death of Jesus. This is the most violent film I have ever seen.
I prefer to evaluate a film on the basis of what it intends to do, not on what I think it should have done. It is clear that Mel Gibson wanted to make graphic and inescapable the price that Jesus paid (as Christians believe) when he died for our sins. Anyone raised as a Catholic will be familiar with the stops along the way; the screenplay is inspired not so much by the Gospels as by the 14 Stations of the Cross. As an altar boy, serving during the Stations on Friday nights in Lent, I was encouraged to meditate on Christ's suffering, and I remember the chants as the priest led the way from one station to another:

At the Cross, her station keeping ...

Stood the mournful Mother weeping ...

Close to Jesus to the last.

Personal note: the title page is a frame from the film THE PASSION of CHRIST that I saw last night 4 5 2023. I WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE THEATER. The huge crowd of folks in the foyer when I arrived were there to see THE MARIO BROTHERS new FILM. DOES THIS DEFINE THE CULTURE WE LIVE??? This is the most INTENSE movie I HAVE EVER SEEN. And it is focused on MOTHER MARY and MARY MAGDALENE. Who this film I believe ARE the WITNESSES that from the beginning TO THE END.. are there for his life and ministry that EVERY WOMAN SHOULD SEE. This is the week of PASSOVER. Every year I relive this for myself as a woman that wants to know the full experience of the HANDMAID. This is our HONOR and our DUTY to the SACRIFICE for ALL MANKIND by the BLOOD OF CHRIST. So we can WALK with GOD. HIS WILL HIS WAY. I AM YOUR SERVANT FATHER. YOUR SERVANT AND THE SON OF YOUR HANDMAID.

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