CBP Air and Marine Hoist Rescue

1 year ago

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air and Marine Operations (AMO) crews conducted a high-altitude rescue of an injured U.S. Citizen hiker who spent the night on the mountain.

On April 4th, the Tucson Air Branch received a call for aid from the Pima County Search and Rescue (SAR) coordinator. The hiker complained of many injuries and was unable to traverse the terrain back down the mountain the evening before.

The AMO aircrew inserted a rescue specialist (RS) and successfully extracted the hiker. Once on board, the patient was evacuated to Banner University Medical Center in Tucson.

LOCATION Mt. Lemmon (in press release)

SOURCE https://www.dvidshub.net/video/878686/cbp-air-and-marine-hoist-rescue
RELATED PRESS RELEASE https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/tucson-air-branch-aircrews-rescue-hiker-mt-lemmon

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