Achieve Your Goals - The Step by Step Process to Develop Your Skills

1 year ago

If you're reading this, you have an INCREDIBLE gift! One of the best abilities that we have as people is our ability to learn, not just from our own experiences, but from the experiences of OTHERS as well!

It's a superpower when it comes to personal development.

Think about this:

You didn't have to get hit by a car to learn that you should look both ways before crossing a street. You probably didn't have to burn your hands on a hot stove to know that it's unwise to put your hands on it.

You learned those things from being told by other people.

That's the secret to developing skills and achieving your goals!

What many people do when they set a goal is to reinvent the wheel. Someone gets excited, and gets started right away with what they think is the best course of action. (Note: I'm a HUGE fan of taking massive action, and by all means get started now, rather than later!)

However, there is a faster way towards success in anything.

Which is to become a "copycat" so to speak.

You see, success leaves clues.

No matter what goals you have in your life and regardless of the skills that you need to learn in order to achieve those goals, other people have already achieved those things! Instead of trying to figure everything out yourself, the key is to look for the proven path that others have already paved for you!

If you want to get in shape, ask the fittest guys at the gym for tips.

When facing issues in your relationship, ask the couple that has been together for 17 years.

The fact of the matter is that if other people have achieved the goals that you want to achieve yourself, they either know things you don't or they have been consistently working on that goal for longer than you.

"A smart man learns from his mistakes, but a genius learns from the mistakes of others."
- Albert Einstein

These days, it's especially easy!

With Google, podcasts and YouTube, you have a TON of successful people in every endeavor sharing their stories, knowledge and experience.

Here's my challenge to you:

Right after watching this video, go to the search bar and search for a skill you want to learn or goal you want to achieve. Subscribe to a few people who teach those skills and watch their videos.

Then, start actually implementing what you learn and you will reach your goals way faster than by trying to achieve them through trial and error!

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