Total War: 'Exterminate the Capitalists by the Millions' (Weather Underground documentary clip)

1 year ago

Larry Grathwohl infiltrated the Weather Underground in the 1970's and witnessed the planning for overthrowing the United States--including, if necessary--throwing millions of conservatives and capitalists into 're-education' camps, and murdering them all if they refused to be 're-educated.'

This interview clip comes from a 1982 documentary called "No Place to Hide."

Grathwohl details how members of the Weather Underground would go to Cuba to receive training and then discusses the shocking answer he received to his question about how to handle the people who would not submit to being conquered.

The portion of the interview discussing the 're-education camps' has made the rounds before. For this video, the full documentary was tracked down, and the previous part of the interview discussing the Cuba training is included here; it is absent in other videos about this.

As a bonus, the analysis of DEMOCRAT Congressman Lawrence McDonald, explaining how the leftists ideologies have declared 'total war,' is included. In a completely unrelated matter, no doubt, McDonald would be shot down and killed by the Soviets in 1983; for realz.

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