1 year ago

INTERNATIONAL BEAVER DAY – April 7 / Wise & Inspirational Quotes on Beaver / Funny Quotes on Beaver
On April 7, you can gnaw on International Beaver Day. You would if you want to mark the day. April 7 honors the Beaver Woman, Dorothy Richards on her birthday. Dorothy Richards studied beavers at Beaver Sprite Sanctuary in New York’s Adirondack Mountains for fifty years.

Wildlife historians estimate that in the early 1800s in North America, there were as many as 60 million beavers. Their fur and their musk became valuable commodities, so they were trapped to near extinction. Now there are an estimated 6 million beavers in North America.
The Catholic Church once categorized beavers as fish.
The beaver is the official symbol of Canada.
Beaver pairs are monogamous, staying together for multiple breeding seasons.
North American beavers prefer the (inner) bark of aspen and poplar but will also take birch, maple, willow, alder, black cherry, red oak, beech, ash, hornbeam, and occasionally pine and spruce.
Beaver dams are created as a protection against predators, such as coyotes, wolves, and bears, and to provide easy access to food during winter.
Beavers always work at night and are prolific builders, carrying mud and stones with their fore-paws and timber between their teeth.

Read about beavers on Wikipedia
Read Beaver Sprite: My Years Building an Animal Sanctuary by Dorothy Richards.
Take a hike to a beaver pond.
Look for a public library display on Beavers.
Attend a program about this environmental engineering animal.

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