Devil May Cry- HD Collection- PC- Missions 1 and 2

1 year ago

Devil May Cry (2001) was developed by Capcom Studio 4 and published by....... Guess who? Capcom!

Out of all possible ratings: Terrible, Bad, Average, Good, Great....

My rating, based upon my playthrough experience, is: Good!

I'm a huge dork for the PS2/Gamecube Resident Evil 4, and while playing Devil May Cry I was constantly reminded of it? Why? There are two totally different games with different play styles and mechanics. RE4 and DMC had shared staff and in game assets, like: set pieces, sounds, music, visual style, textures, in-game items (decorative items), and hell, even the final escape sequence was the same! Except here you fly a plane instead of driving a jet ski. None of this is bad, unless you hate RE4, of course. That's obviously not me, as RE4 was one of my top 3 favorite PS2 games.
Where did DMC go wrong to 'only' get the Good rating? There are awful platforming sections which don't mesh with the games flow at all, and later on in the game certain boss fights become problematic due to the auto targeting system, leaving you slashing away on the wrong thing which likely results in your death. The story, while not bad, was cheesy. And I don't mean good cheesy, but cringe, especially near the end when it gets emotional, or tries to get emotional.
Devil May Cry is a lot of fun and since it's very widely available I'd recommend it to everyone that likes action-slasher games that have a little bit of exploration, should you choose to explore. Given that it's sold at very low cost on Steam frequently during the Capcom sales (where I bought it) you have no reason to pass it up!
Later bitches!

Devil May Cry is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, PC.

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DHG played Devil May Cry on PC via Steam

Part 1

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