Neture relexing sound video ✨

1 year ago

Natural things are objects or phenomena that exist in the physical world without human intervention or manipulation. Examples of natural things include:

Rocks and minerals: These are naturally occurring materials that make up the Earth's crust. Examples include quartz, granite, and diamond.

Water: Water is a naturally occurring substance that is essential for all life on Earth. It is found in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers.

Plants: Plants are living organisms that grow naturally in the environment. They play a vital role in the ecosystem by producing oxygen, providing food, and serving as habitats for animals.

Animals: Animals are living organisms that also play a significant role in the ecosystem. They include mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and insects.

Weather: Weather is the natural phenomenon that results from changes in the atmosphere, including temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation.

Landforms: Landforms are natural features of the Earth's surface, including mountains, valleys, canyons, and plains.

Stars and planets: These are natural celestial objects that exist in the universe.

Overall, natural things are diverse and complex, and they provide the foundation for life on Earth.

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