Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Seedium Plant Showcase -Blastberry - April 2023

1 year ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the seedium plant Blastberry and was offered between between April 5, 2023 and April 12, 2023.

Blastberry is a member of the Arma-Mint family.
Blastberry costs 175 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 3 and 7.)
Blastberry launches five (5) bomblets in the lane. (+1 at levels 5 and 9.)
Each bomblet does 15 Area of Effect (AoE) damage. (+10 per level.)
Being a vine, Blastberry can be planted on top of another non-vine plant.

Blastberry is one of the few plants which does not have an actual counter. Jester zombie can not reflect the bomblets. Excavator zombie can not block the projectiles.

Bottom Line:
Blastberry seems to be a plant without a home. What role does this plant fill? This plant has an AoE effect, but so does Melon-pult and Wintermelon. This is a vine plant which can be placed on the leftmost columns. But wouldn't Shine Vine be a better choice for those slots? While Blastberry is a good softener, at 175 Sun, it would get expensive rather quickly and if one is going to go Blastberry and another lobber, why not simply go for one plant instead of two?

One possibility is a Sun producer with Blastberry hugging the Sunflower. This would make efficient use of the space. But how effective would that combination be in handling a zombie invasion?

00:00 Difficulty 1 - Arma-Mint
03:26 Difficulty 2 - Bloomerang + Bonk Choy - FAIL - Forgot to plant Sun Producers
07:01 Difficulty 3 - Appease-Mint

Given Plant = Blastberry Vine
Chosen Perk is Potato Mine / Boost Tile / Boss Buster

Level 1 Objective - Remove seven (7) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 10 Blastberry
Players start with 1,600 Sun.

Level 2 Objective - Remove nine (9) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 15 Blastberry
Players start with 1,600 Sun.

Level 3 Objective - Remove eleven (11) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 20 Blastberry
Players start with 1,600 Sun.

I do not get a preview of Penny's Pursuit before it is released. So what you see is what players get.

I also try to vary the strategies from week to week and showcasing different plants and strategies and ideas. Using the same strategy week after week would be boring to see.

As always, if you appreciate these videos, learned something from them, please subscribe. This incentives me to continue making these videos.

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