He said "Don't be afraid to get vaccinated". This surgeon ups dying from the vaccine.

1 year ago

A surgeon by the name of Lorman Goco made a post in 2021, promoting the governmental lethal weapon known as the covid-19 vaccine in a facebook post of his in an attempt to convince others to take it by saying that you shouldn't be afraid to take it. Almost 2 years later in April of 2023, he suddenly dies from a brain aneurysm. This is no coincidence as always, it was the damn vaccine that did this. Fuck this doctor. How many parents did he convince with his influence to have their children forcibly vaccinated against their will to protect them from a pandemic that never happened based on a fictional virus? He deserves to rot in the deepest pit of hell. I guarantee you, he got extra raises and kickbacks of profit in his salary every time he convinced more of his patients to get vaccinated. Of course, he also took it himself as every single health care worker was mandated to take this for the past couple of years by now. He thought he saved his job by taking the vaccine, but quite the contrary, he ended it by also ending his life with this deadly poison. Also, he is from the Philippines, a country with one of the highest rates of vaccine injuries and deaths in the entire world. How many more people need to suffer and die before the vast majority of people there realize that they must refuse to take this poison, or else they will die?

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