Dungeons and Dragons PvP Combat, Lvl2 Half-Orc Barbarian Vs. Lvl2 Fighter/Warlock

1 year ago

Round two Match two of our Dungeons and Dragons PvP tournament. Watch a level two Half-Orc Barbarian battle a level two Human Multi class Fighter / Warlock under the Dungeons and Dragons 5e system. Watch the whole tournament for some great combat examples. Characters and combat strategies were submitted by you our viewers. Each character starts with 200 GP and chooses their own equipment. The winner will level up and compete in the championship round at level three.

Round 1 Combat Examples for these two characters:
The Half-Orc Barbarian - https://youtu.be/FkjOZ5cII_s
The Fighter / Warlock - https://youtu.be/8J09BVp9B3M

The winner of the tournament will receive a Wild Beyond the Witchlight booster box! Good Luck to our 8 entrants!

We are open to doing a tournament in Pathfinder, Palladium, or Savage Worlds so let us know! Please enjoy this combat example and let us know what else you'd like to see in the comments.

0:00 - Intro
1:15 - Tournament Bracket
1:25- The Combat
9:50- The Victor
10:04 - In Closing

Lvl 2 Half-Orc Barbarian - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbkIm67oPvr0X8Gri9Ss11b1JPPg8Dqm/view?usp=share_link

Lvl 2 Human Fighter / Warlock -

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