Episode 9 - Banks Collapsing, CDBC, AI, Aliens, Nephilim, End Times; We Got It All

1 year ago

In this episode we hit on a few current events as well as some fun topics.

We touch on the recent Silicone Valley Bank collops as well as my theory on how and when the government will introduce their Central Bank Digital Currency (#CBDC). As usual, we get into #aliens and what the government / mainstream media is promoting this week, and well as what the #Christian perspective on this topic should be. #Nephilim come up. The rebuilding of the temple in #Jerusalem, etc.

We're also excited to introduce Kamron to the show in the next week or two who will be our new resident end times expect ;) We're excited to get into some more #Bible discussions about #Revelation, #eschatology, #Armageddon, etc.

We are also going to be changing upload model and frequency. Rather than posting a 2-3 hour episode once or twice a week and then posting clips form that full episode, we hope to be able to record and upload multiple 1 hour episodes throughout the week instead. Let us know in the comments if you like this model more.

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