Clip 44 - Ancient Demon Gods Are Returning And They Will Be Worshiped Again

1 year ago

Isn't it interesting that all the #ancientcivilizations accredited some sort of #heavenly or #extraterrestrial being with the #genesis of their origin? We’re talking about peoples that have never met who were separated by thousands of miles and hundreds of years just so happen to come to the same conclusions about their origins. Is it just mere coincidence? Or is there some truth to their #myths?

As a #christian it's very easy to see that the #Bible talks at length about additional #dimensions or #realms of reality where #spiritual or #alien beings actually exist. So it's not farfetched from a biblical prospective to assume that the ancient civilizations weren't just making up silly stories. It's very possible that after the #flood of #noah when man began to spread and settle in different parts of the earth, the #demonic forces which were at work before #theflood came back and began sowing seeds of deception all over again.

Many of their origin legends have the same figures too! Namely a serpent like figure which appeared and gave the people knowledge and wisdom. Sound familiar? Once could argue it may have been the same #serpent that appeared to Adam and Eve and gave them winsome of good and evil. However, whereas Adam and Eve knew the serpent was not #God, these early civilizations began to glorify and worship their #alien visitors.

Interestingly enough, #ufo and #uap are all over the news and social media lately. People are constantly talking about balls of light in the sky and weird objects. I mean even our military is shooting things down on a regular basis apparently. This might all seem new to us, but one can argue this is not a new #phenomenon. It’s quite possible this is what the ancients encountered again, and they're back!

Is it pure coincidence the book of #revelation in the Bible, describes all sorts of wonders and beings appearing in the skies in the #endtimes. Even the #antichrist and the false prophet are said to be able to perform signs and #miracles by the power of #satan to deceive mankind. I wonder what people’s reactions will be when someone or something appears on the scene who can even command fire to fall from heaven, as the false prophet does in Revelation. I wonder if people will have the same reaction as the ancients did? Will the natural reaction be to #worship that being?

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