Capt Kyle Truck Talk - Dealing with the hurts and abuses of life - Working on Self 4.4.23

1 year ago

🇺🇸 Truck Talk 🇺🇸

This is about dealing with the hurts and abuses of life.

We must clean out our wounds that are buried deep and not been dealt with.

They must be healed and let go of no matter what they are. Do it now so that you can live in peace and with love.

1st love yourself and then you can truly love others.
Almost everyone has been hurt is some way.

Did you really heal from it and let it go ? If not with the chaos coming full force and it’s coming. It will rise up then. And be purged.

I know it hurts. And to thru it again but this is doing the inner work.
Have you done yours ?

I have and yeah it was tough but it’s very liberating afterwards.

God wants to take your pain and your baggage so you don’t have to carry it anymore ever.

So never pick it up again.
Leave it and let go and let God fully restore you.

God Loves you.
I Love you.



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