Stay-at-Home Mom Starts GiveSendGo for Family Affected by East Palestine, OH Train Derailment

1 year ago

In this episode of Shine Brightly!, co-founder Heather Wilson interviews Jennifer (Jenny) Johnson, a stay-at-home mom who started a fundraising campaign for the Parker family. The Parker family is facing a difficult situation, having to relocate due to the effects of the train derailment in East Palestine, OH.

“Morgan is requesting a place to relocate her family as soon as possible. A free place to live for a while would be a big blessing- if not free then reduced rent considering her family’s hardships. Once relocated, she will need help finding a new job to support her family. There will be many unexpected expenses. She needs as much help as she can get right now.”

If you would like to read more about or support the Parker family please visit

Do you know of someone whose shining light deserves to be recognized? We're looking for GiveSendGo campaigns to feature in an upcoming spotlight episode. To submit a nomination or even your own campaign, simply fill out our Shine Brightly! form by clicking on this link:

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