Daily Chess play - 1304 - Superfast games today

1 year ago

Note: Mic got muted

0:00 Game 1:
He attacks my Bishop and Knight on d4 with pawn, move 20. This leaves his Rook open on a8 which I take. He can't take either my pieces because that would leave his Queen open to my Rook on d1. He blunders again with his Queen on h6 which is facing my Bishop. After a bit of time, he resigns.

6:00 Game 2:
Queen check on h5, move 8 (I've been here before XD). He blocks with pawn on g6 but I take it with Knight. He takes the Knight with pawn so I take his Rook on h8 check. He blocks with Bishop which makes it pinned. I move Bishop to b4 to threaten checkmate. He ignores it or doesn't see it so I checkate.

11:40 Game 3:
I take Knight on e3, move 8. He ignores the threat on Queen so I take it on move 9. Opponent resigns.

Super fast games today. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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