1 year ago

What God's wants from us is guinue worshiping him in truth and in spirit that's what God wants from us that is a requirement that we must acquires from US to worship him in truth and in spirit to the almighty God amen.

David was the greatest worshipper in the bible a man after Gods own heart. He wrote most of the psalms which are used in many contemporary worship songs. Hes so important to God that Jesus is sometimes referred to as son of David. Hes important to God because of his worship. “Sing to the LORD. Praise the LORD.
Get close to Him.
Hallelujah. Amen.

God is the Great I Am not the Great I was, He is the same God he was then as he is now regardless what anyone says.

The person to follow is Jesus! The word Christian comes from being a follower of Christ. Keep your eyes on the right person.

Give God Praise!👑🕊


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