Clip 19 - Satan Can't Do This One Thing. Amillennial Eschatology Dies On This Hill!

1 year ago

Amillennial, premillenial, postmillenial, pretribulation rapture, mid tribulation rapture, post tribulation rapture, these are just a few of the major players when studying eschatology (last things). What's always fascinated me is that all of these people all reading the exact same passages and words, but they all come to drastically, even completely apposing views based on the same passages. How is that possible?

In this video, Eli and Ben go back and forth on the key hinge point of Amillenialism, that we are already in the Millenial Reign of Christ as described in the book of Revelation 20. According to Amillenialism, the description of Armageddon, the rapture, the Antichrist, all of those things have already occurred at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and since Christ's resurrection, Christ is already ruling and reigning and Satan is already bound and we are already in the millennial reign or Christ.

One of the key factors to this eschatological perspective is that Satan is already bound from deceiving the nations, Revelation 20:1-3 and 7-10. In order to believe that we are already in the Millennial Reign you have to believe Satan is already currently bound and he is not able to deceive the nations of the earth anymore. However, to me, this is where this perspective falls apart. A quick look at the world around you and it's hard to imagine this issue the reality John meant to describe when he wrote Revelation 20....

Let's get into it!

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