Communicating With Your Autistic / ADHD Child - I Trust You

1 year ago

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===== ABOUT CARRIE =====

Carrie is a professional speaker, natural remedy advocate, mental health champion, and educator. For the last seventeen years, she has researched the use of natural remedies to support her oldest son with autism and severe ADHD. Her God-given drive and enthusiasm to share her son’s journey to mental health and wellness using natural remedies has helped thousands of mothers to find their own success.

Carrie shares her passion through her worldwide seminars and workshops from her lifetime of experiences for the purpose of educating, encouraging, and empowering women with the knowledge to win the mental health battle for their children on their terms. She has blazed a trail to help women take charge of their family’s mental health using proven natural remedies and strategies.

Carrie lives in southern Arizona with her loving husband and eight wonderful children. Her favorite pastimes are laughing, cooking, dancing, and spending quality time with her family. Carrie has both homeschooled and utilized the public school system for her son with great success, all without using medication. While challenging, Carrie met the objections with tremendous resolve, and now her child and thousands of other children are experiencing the same successes she and her son have found.

After over two decades, Carrie continues to focus on researching, studying, and sharing healthy living solutions for mental health using holistic methods, with the past seven years being devoted extensively to the use of pure, high-quality essential oils. Not one single over-the-counter or prescription drug will be found in her home. Her family of ten has experienced the benefit of using essential oils in many daily life occurrences, emotional stressors, and even several first aid and emergency situations.

Carrie’s extensive knowledge and experience has given her a gift for intuitively recognizing emotions and moods and a gift for finding healthy options to uncover the best strategy for long-lasting mental health success. As a gifted communicator, her strategies, break-through stories, and examples from her exploration and voyage to mental health freedom immediately resonate with moms seeking alternatives to Western medicine.

The award-winning author is available for delivering keynote presentations. For rates and availability, please contact the author directly at:

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