I Hear Voices and their Talking About You

1 year ago

I spent several years in the Pentecostal Church and I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase "God told me to tell you."

And the first thought that comes to my mind is always “Well, why didn't God tell me Himself”.

Where is the authority in hearing from God, who and what can you trust?

Joseph Smith said an angel appeared to him with some cool golden plates to decode,

Two possibilities he was lying or His angel was a Fallen Angel or a demon, either way it turned out to be one great big lie.

Mohammad took a horse ride to Heaven, got the Koran, and it to turned out to be one great big lie.

Can God speak to you through a friend, yes He can, but?

Can God speak to you through a video, yes He can, but?

Can God speak to you through a sermon at church, yes He can, but?

Can God speak to you through a video, yes He can, but?

Everything has to be checked against Gods Word, The Bible is the authority?

People say all the time God spoke to me, I heard a voice, I doubt it?

I have heard an audible voice twice and both times it was demonic in origin.

I had an out of body transport to another place and time and it was also demonic?

God speaks to the believer through his word, That is the authority.

Want to hear an audible voice, get an APP where someone reads it to you.

God has passed through me many times but not a word was spoken.

2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

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