All in the Family - Part 11 - The Bundy's - (The Elite Bloodlines)

1 year ago


We typically hear much about the Bundy family regarding the serial killer Ted Bundy, tv shows and now the recent patriot movement in America. The family is very public and easy to find.

The controlledopposition Patriot Movement started a few years ago by the CIA and the Bundy family. Helping to create the civil war taking place in the USA currently. As we keep telling you, the elite always play
both sides. The Bundy’s of today are in the spotlight so we will not linger on them. To move on, other names they have used and merged with are Frazier, Blackman, Hitchcock, McGeorge, Bond, Bunt, Bronte, Bean, MacBean, MacVain, Bayne, and many others.

Let's take a look from Harvey Hollister Bundy, born in 1888 he became a high member of Skull and Bones, naturally. He was Special Assistant to Secretary of War Stimson (also Skull and Bones), law clerk for Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and intricately involved in the Manhattan Project as he worked for the Pentagon and many other high offices at military bases like Panama and banks. He was chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and many many other organizations. He married Harvard president Abbot Lawrence Lowell's niece Katherine Lawrence Putnam from the very prominent, elite, wealthy Putnam bloodline seen in Boston.

They had William “Bill” Putnam Bundy and McGeorge. Under President Hoover, while he worked for the secretary of war, he also became special legal assistant to the Secretary of Treasury. Nice little fit eh? He died in 1963.

If you haven't figured it out by now, “top colleges” and “top careers” are all a false front to keep you thinking and believing that they are better than you. They keep themselves separated from humanity and fool us into believing they are separated because they are smarter than we are and more valuable than we are. The colleges are where they get involved deeper into the clubs such as Skull and Bones, bohemian club, the round table, and the like. The gig the elite’s run is perfect for the ignorant, who pay them to mind control their children, and push their children to accept it. After all. Ivy league must be the best because it costs so much. Slaves promoting slavery...astonishing.

Once you really see that governments and corporations and universities and the like are simply illusions, a false facade for the elite to hide behind, you will see how powerful you really are.

William Bundy became an intelligence expert and analyst, as well as attorney for the CIA. He was intimate with the planning of the Vietnam War and was foreign affairs advisor for Kennedy and Johnson. After he retired he became a historian of foreign affairs and taught at MIT and Princeton until he died in 2000.

He married Mary Acheson and they had Michael, Christopher and Carol. His little brother McGeorge (Mac) became the National Security Advisor to Kennedy and Johnson. Married to Mary B. Lothrop they had Stephen, Andrew, William and James. He was president of the Ford Foundation and was one of the chief designers for the Vietnam War. He was professor of Harvard, member of CFR along with Dwight Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Richard M. Bissell, JR, and George Kennan, and worked on the Marshall Plan, involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis. His Skull and Bones nickname is Odin. Also, he was the chairman for the 303 Committee.

His little brother, McGeorge Bundy went to Yale where he was initiated into the Skull & Bones.

McGeorge then went to Harvard. After this McGeorge joined the army as a private at 23 years old, in a year was promoted to captain and placed on staff to plan the logistics and other details of the invasion of Sicily and the Normandy Invasion.

Do you think the same speed would apply to you, if you could join any of their clubs?

How can a noobie without experience have the experience to know how much supplies, etc. are needed for a certain operation? Bear in mind, that these calculations are for battles in which the wrong combination of supplies could mean death or defeat for a unit.

Of course, what is listed in this document is only a very short outline for you to use to find out more, the details are sparse as we cannot put everything into one document.

We leave many discoveries open for you to find and expand your own knowledge. We merely give you the tools and light the path. You must do the walking. Because of certain events, McGeorge Bundy was included in Nixon's enemies list and “died of a heart attack” in 1996.

McGeorge was also MJ-12 and both brothers, besides being lead members of CFR, Skull and Bones and other groups, were Bilderbergers.

So, Harvey Hollister's grandfather, Solomon Jr., was a district attorney and a congressman. Born in Oxford, New York on May 22, 1823, he married Roxanna Hitchcock and had Elizabeth Roxanne Bundy, then he married Elizabeth Ann McGeorge and had son McGeorge (Harvey's dad), and Nathan A. Like most of the top families, their graves are marked in the Riverview Cemetery with a looming obelisk. Elizabeth McGeorge's father was famous Reverend Horatio T. McGeorge.

Solomon Bundy Jr's grandfather William was the unification of the Smith and Bundy bloodlines in 1748. We follow the Bundy's back to John Bundy, born 1617 in England, he came to New Hampshire US and settled in Massachusetts. He was married to Martha Chandler and then Ruth Bundy. His offspring were Samuel, Mary, James 1 and 2, Martha, Patience, and Sarah.

Now let's look at the British Bundy's. John Bundy's dad, also John, was born 1590 in Nottinghamshire England. He was also known as John Bean. John Bundy “Bean” was married to M Edwards Palmer.

The name is still prominent in the family for example the FMC Corp. If we go back, tracing the Beans with all of their spellings through Nottinghamshire, York, Notts, all the way back to 1210 where we see the Bean who jumped the border. He became a magistrate in Aberdeen Scotland. Now following the Bundy (Bean) line back in Scotland, the first reported Bean came from the McBean's also spelled MacBean, which came from the MacBain family in Aberdeenshire. The MacBain's symbol is a red hand on a white shield. Notice how many families in the lower elites have the colors red and white for their crests. Remember the color orders and how they relate to status of the families. These were the sod bearers for the Chattan Clans chief, the name means “son of the fair lad”. Sod translates into “council” roughly meaning a group. As we see through the line so far, lawyers, advisors, they seem to be the chosen council still. If we look at this word just a bit closer the first recorded name Sody (Sodi) or Besodya means council of Yah. It's interesting to learn the definitions of the names since that's the reason for the names in the first place.

The name Bean in old Gaelic means Hill or Peak.

The old Bundy (Bean) clan is actually quite important to our history in this document. The Chattan clan was called the Chattan Confederation and was different from every other Scottish clan. The clan had twelve separate clans within it who each had their own chief. They were recognized under Scottish law, but were united under one main chief of the confederation for mutual solidarity. These clans can beeasily traced. The 12 clans in the confederation are McBean aka Yean, Macpherson, Farquharson, Macthomas, Shaw, Mackintosh and MacPhail were related by blood. The other clans not related but included were the Davidson, Maclean, MacQueen, Mackintyre, MacGillivray, MacAndrew.

Domnall Bán aka Donald MacBane, Donalbane, Donald the fair, was king of the Scots in 1093.

Donald III was represented in the Donalbane character in Shakespeare's Macbeth. The line can then be easily traced back to Cináed mac Ailpín aka Kenneth MacAlpin king of the Picts, the first king of the Scots in 841. Kenneth's father Alpin, son of Achay was killed in Galloway about 836 AD, after he had entirely destroyed and devastated the land, so the story goes. Then the kingdom of the Scots was transferred to the kingdom of the Picts. From here we will leave you to discover the remaining few centuries. It is easy to follow the lines.

Up to the recent past of the Bundy's! In keeping with the advisory role of the family, Jonas Mills Bundy was key advisor to Presidents Grant, Garfield and Chester A. Arthur.

In 1957 A wing or branch of the Illuminati under Onassis, a leading mafia family, kidnapped the selfcreated billionaire and genius, Howard Hughes, and practiced what is named Hegelian philosophy: A
thesis is set up, antithesis set up, then out of the conflict of the two comes the synthesis. This is how the elite operate today: Create a Problem. Get the Reaction. Provide the Solution. If an Illuminati demand isn't met, then the business would be burned or the businessman hurt, the Mafia would introduce themselves as protectors for the businessman from the extortionists, finally, when the businessman begins paying the Mafia for protection that completes the cycle. The Illuminati have always been doing this tactic. We saw the obvious use of it in France when the trains were bombed by US agents, after the French decided not to join the US against ISIS. The day after the bombing they made a point to announce to the world, loudly, that they were against ISIS and joined the war. Same happened with Russia's plane being shot down by US and the list is truly endless.

Eric Bundy was put in charge of Howard Hughes real name: L. Wayne Rector. Hughes was kept in near isolation by the families, who used double Brooks Randall for appearances, because he would not comply with the families wishes to buy him out. He was a genius, filled with new ideas but unwilling to sell them. Similar to Tesla in some ways. He knew, like those who have been murdered before him and since, that ideas are priceless, and knowledge is power. This is what the elite fear most. Ideas and Knowledge. This is what we fight for. Knowledge should be free. The public was told Hughes died in 1971. Eric Bundy was his overseer. Robert Mayheu and Lou Russell were also in charge of Hughes and the three worked together in the assassination of Kennedy. Hughes was kidnapped, tortured, starved and drugged for many months until he was thrown out of a plane into the ocean by his captors.

That is how the world really works. You will never be told in the news what is truly going on. It is only there to keep you distracted from the elite.

One of the most famous criminals was a serial killer named Ted (Theodore) R. Bundy. It is not publicly known why he killed so many innocent victims, though it is easy to see if one understands the elite mind. Ted Bundy told his girlfriend Elizabeth Kendall that "the force" caused him to kill. Bundy’s confession to her was given after his final arrest in Florida. Elizabeth wrote down his confession as he gave it to her over the phone. Ted said, "I don’t have a split personality. I don’t have blackouts. I remember everything I’ve done.

Like Lake Sammamish. We went out to Farrell’s for ice cream after eating hamburgers. It wasn’t like I had forgotten or couldn’t remember, but it was just over...gone...the force wasn’t pushing me any more. I don’t understand it. The force would just consume me."

"The force" is the very term that high level Satanists use to describe the power that they believe in, which they believe can be used for either good or evil. The movies Star Wars surprisingly used the Illuminati’s term "the force" as part of the instilling of acceptance by planting the concept into the public's thinking and goals, so that the conspiracy becomes an "open conspiracy" with the general public promoting the drive toward witchcraft as the world religion and its One-World-Government.

The Bundy's - Page 76.
Source: Fearless Nation -

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