Old-fashioned Pole Barn for the Small Farm, Pt 1 - The Farm Hand's Companion Show, ep 4

11 years ago

As construction begins on his new workshop, Pa Mac demonstrates how to begin building a pole barn type structure. A great video for showing the ins and outs of building a barn.

Be sure and subscribe to the Farm Hand's Companion channel to keep up with the progress as Pa Mac takes an undeveloped piece of property and turns it into a small subsistence farm. Watch for new episodes regularly. (As long as Pa Mac's alive and kicking, he's most assuredly farming and filming!)
Ways to support Farm Hand’s Companion channel:

Pa Mac’s music found here: https://music.apple.com/album/1213324248?app=itunes&ls=1

Pa Mac’s books and DVD:

Pa Mac's Favorite Overalls! https://amzn.to/32pVy3i
Overalls for the kids! https://amzn.to/2w8z6zW

Recommended Camera: https://amzn.to/393I7Zm

A few of Pa Mac's favorite Books:
Foxfire Series: https://amzn.to/32p8gzw
Born Again Dirt: Farming to the Glory of God: https://amzn.to/2HYffpM
Joel Salatin Books: https://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=farmhandsco0e-20&keywords=joel salatin&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&linkId=49c7e73861e5b5037897d4b980baf54b

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