3D Printed and Copper Plated Jewelry ~ DIY Copper Necklace Pendant

1 year ago

Enjoy the evolution of this amazing project from concept to finished product. The wife loves it and I loved making it! She received this for Valentines day and I received a boat load of brownie points! I'm happy to answer any questions just let me know in the comments.

Get the Conductive paint I used in this video here:

3D printing opens up limitless options in so many areas, the particular printer I use is a DLP/SLA 3D Printer. Meaning it uses a high definition projector to cure liquid resin layer by layer until a final part is created. The 3D printer I own is a 3Dfacture Draken which I received after backing their kickstarter campaign. The resin I used in this video was Autodesk Ember Clear resin. Click the link below if you would like to see more about how exactly this printer works: https://youtu.be/hQ21gbeYFYQ

Multiple guides exist (including my own) on how to setup a copper plating bath. You'll notice the pendant in this video came out of my plating bath with nodules all over the surface. This was due to having a relatively high pH. As a part copper plates hydrogen gas is generated, this slowly raises the pH. Since I had been doing quite a bit of plating before this video I should have done a test plate prior to plating this pendant. The results though weren't terrible and as you can see in the video I was able to still make this into a beautiful piece of fine jewelry.

To see how my plating bath works click this link: https://youtu.be/7QXi4PM39ho

To see how I make my plating solution click this link: https://youtu.be/yvW5mWbUbU4

To see how I copper plate plastic 3D printed parts click this link: https://youtu.be/nmeLfZw7pD0

Be sure to check our my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GarageScience/

The electroplating process I used in this video is more complicated than say the one used in the video titled "Electroplating - Easy DIY Nickel, Copper, Zinc Plating" (https://youtu.be/G-PtnwtOR24) but it's not so complicated the average person can't get it to work. Comment if you have any questions please!!!

You can also find me on instagram under the name "garage_science"

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