Is Bug-Eating Going to Be Our New Reality? | The Larry Elder Show | EP. 147

1 year ago

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During the summer of 2022, protests erupted in the Netherlands over the government’s plan to reduce nitrogen emissions from the country’s farms by up to 95 percent. The Dutch government expects that many farms will have to close to achieve this goal.

What’s the rationale for such a plan from the government? Is it only happening in the Netherlands, or other parts of the world as well?

Last September, The Epoch Times’ Roman Balmakov visited the Netherlands and spoke with a variety of farmers on the ground for upcoming documentary “Eat the Bugs.” They described the challenges their sector faces from the national government and the EU, as those and other powerful factions seek to change how the world produces and consumes food.

Joining Larry Elder, Balmakov shares his knowledge and insights gained from filming the documentary. He thinks that the plan is driven by a belief that the world is ending due to manmade climate change, and the agricultural sector is being targeted to combat this threat. Farmers are being pushed out, and bugs are being promoted as an alternative source of protein.

He says there’s no one person to blame, but rather a tapestry of policies and agencies that are having the effect of pushing farmers out.

Balmakov also traveled around the world to interview farmers, agricultural departments, and governments and has found that the situation is complex in every country. Farmers fight back through legal channels, protests, and embargoes, but they are a tiny segment of the population and find it difficult to make their voices heard.

“And if you’re into it, you can eat bugs. The problem is that they’re forcing it on us,” says Balmakov, who has tried bugs himself. “What we’re exposing is the ideology that is being forced on people, not necessarily the bugs as a food item itself.”
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