Formally Charged | Son Of Man

1 year ago

Formally Charged | Son Of Man

Trump Responds To Indictment

Trump Statement: Trump Responds to Being Indicted

“They only attack me because I fight for you. It’s very simple. They can’t buy me and they can’t control me.. and that scares them beyond belief.”

Trump headed to NYC

First still photo of Trump in court

Trump waving to supporters

“True words are rare birds
in courts like this
Watch for dangers in your back
Or more likely poison
The Witcher

Trump Indicted Today

Libturds are squealing at the #TrumpArrest like it vindicates their hate;
Fool, he’s been spied on, lied on, hoaxed over, framed & defamed, impeached TWICE, and now arrested… and he’s STILL gonna kick your ass!
Donald Trump

The Unexpected

Thank Everyone

God always has a plan, a work around.
Crucified Son of Man
Matthew 17:22-23

Matthew 20:18-19

Mark 9:31

Mark 10:33-34

Luke 9:22

Luke 18:31-34

Luke 24:7

We are now talking about the Son of God AND the Son of Man.
We are discussing the two entities.
Son of God – Jesus
Son of Man - Trump
“Both crucified Sons raised on the third day.
Jesus referred to the Son of Man’s crucifition in the third person in these scriptures, and that Son of Man shall be delivered to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourage, and to crucify him, whereas Jesus the Son of God will suffer many things of the Elders and Chief priests and be killed.

“Have you ever noticed that the Son of God will be killed, and The Son of Man shall be crucified according to the scriptures, and that there was a switch at the very end, a switch between these two Sons deaths?

“The switch came when Jesus, the Son of God was crucified and died in the place of the son of Man according to Matthew 26:63-64, Matthew 27:39-43 and Mark

“That was the switch in the scriptures when Jesus, the Son of God was crucified and died for President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man.

“It makes one wonder what kind of play these two Sons knowingly or unknowingly are performing.

“No matter how you look at it, President Trump is a god that came back to earth, to take possession of what belongs to him, and he awaits God to come and stand on his left hand to defeat his enemies according to all the scriptures.

“Are you fully aware of the characteristics of the Son of Man which Jesus described in the four gospels of the New Iestament?”
~ Helgard Muller


Luke 18:31-34

Sam Cooke
Were You There

Who is playing the Judas among these modern day Thespians?

Betrayed by “that man”
John 13:29

Mike Pence
While governor of Indiana, Vice-President Mike Pence was known for keeping an open Bible on his desk. At the White House, he was the most senior member of the US cabinet's first scripture study group in at least 100 years.

Pence is also a Satan worshipper and a pedophile.

“Yet, after declaring Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election, the man widely considered to be President Donald Trump's most pious and devoted disciple is now being cast as the ultimate betrayer of the MAGA cause.

“On January 6, 2021, with a single vote, Pence found himself at the center of a whirlwind of conspiracy theories that has only grown in intensity since that day's breach of the Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters.

“Many of the narratives circulating online have cast him as the New Testament's most infamous figure.

"Mike Pence is Judas!" Jesus, the Son of God was betrayed by Judas-but woe to "that man" by whom the Son of Man is betrayed.

“Jesus never said, "Woe unto Judas by whom the Son of God betrayed." Jesus spoke in the third person when He referred to the Son of Man, according to Mathew 26.24; Mark 14:21 and Luke 22;22, and John 17:22
~ Helgard Muller

John 14:21

Matthew 3:7

Matthew 12:34

Matthew 23:33

How Did Jesus Know They Were Snakes?

Amy Coney Barrett

Barbara Bush
Same Kind Of Snake
Barbara was sister of Betty White, Hollywood actress.
Barbara was the daughter/son of Aliester Crowley, avowed Satanist.

Snake Eyes Pope

Pore Ol’ Huemanity
It is again said.“We are nearing the day when EarthMen will be asked to join our Solar Community.”

There was one small thing that must be taken care of; Earth must be rid of the plague of vermin vampires; the Khazarian subspecies of the Old Split-Hove the hermaphrodites.

“When that is completed.
One man will emerge to be considered to be the King of the Earth.”
It will be said. “King?” Not by the peoples of Earth will this man be known, as a King; but by Huemanity who populate the known Realms.

Huemanity in this Earthly realm will see him as a ne’er-do-well, successful yes, but a King, never.

Pore Ol’ Huemanity can’t see the truth until it is history and then promptly forgets the painful lessons learned.
The history books will be written by those who know better.

For all of Huemanity to learn a life lesson, a traumatic experience must become part of our collective consciousness.

The experience has to be overwhelming, worldwide like a deluge, for all of Huemanity to receive the truth

Water washes away the dirt and filth, but fire destroys all of the evil.

Something that would remove the fluoride calcification from hueman kind’s pineal gland?
And propel us, as a race, into a fifth dimension of consciousness?

That seminal event that would eliminate the plague of reptilian banksters from the planet.
No pictures No jail No Questions

Al Wilson
The Snake
A song played at many of President Donald Trump’s rallies.

Luke 22:31-34
Simon Peter Denies Knowing the Christ, betrayal. search=Luke+22%3A31-34&version=AMP

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Bits and pieces of what I find interesting.
Be Bright
Be Thankful
Be True
Be Well

Two Sisters
[Let me add a story from a family I know, regarding trickery, betrayal and it’s Satanic power.
Two sisters were lifelong friends almost 36 months apart in age. They liked the same types of people, did the same things, enjoyed the same kinds of music. They seemed to be friends!

Come to find, the younger sister had been stealing money, took things out of the older sisters house then blamed others for the wrong doing.

The younger sister would circle back behind and whisper about the older sister’s husband, so-much-so as to ruin the older sister’s first marriage.

These slight-of-hand, these whisperings, the outright thefts and the offenses had now been going on for nearly 50 years.

The younger was very very drunk and began to berate the older for not looking-out for her.

The older sister declined to send her younger sister to a spa to dry out.

The younger blurted out in frustration. “You think you’re so F’ing smart!
Then she began to recount all her crimes against her sister.
It was me who took that necklace. It was me who who took . . .
It was me who wrecked. . .

Not many times have I felt sorry for the older sister. She is experiencing a death, and a divorce, and a betrayal all at one time. She will be working through this experience for the rest of life.

Simplistically Speaking
There two types of people in the world. Givers & Takers, or as Gene Decode says. “Service to self or Service to Others. ]
When we feel fear it generates a vibration, an energy field. Every time we think and feel, no matter what our state of being may be, we are sending out broadcast waves that vibrate to the frequency of the particular thought or emotion.

No fear
Show No Fear

Fear can be put away completely

Let’s cover one more aspect of the amazing strangeness of Donald Trump’s life. The case of John the Baptist as a analogy of Donald J Trump.
Anderson Cooper son of Gloria Vanderbilt and a descendant of Cornelius Vanderbilt.

Notice in the next article, the pictures of Gloria Vanderbilt, with two little boys with their Mother Gloria Vanderbilt on a bed. The little boys are Anderson Cooper and Carter Cooper.

Illuminati Satanist Cabal Member – Brutal Proof

Kathy Griffin (the name griffin, a type of satanic evil roof figure - ornament) is the suspected younger brother of Anderson Cooper; Carter Cooper who committed suicide (changed sex?) in 1988.

Kathy Griffin retweets pic of bloody 'decapitated' Trump head after ...
If what I am saying is true, Kathy Griffin, as a Satanist, would have held a severed head of a hueman before.

In time we will know who was transgendered, and or who was a man playing the wife of a HigH politician.
And not just the obvious ones, ie. Michael Obama, and Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux Macron

It is also interesting, some famous witches in history, is a man playing the part of a woman. It is a way of Hiding in Plain Sight Fool anyone with an act so convincing no one would ever suspect.
The ultimate trick. A fraud carried out in plane sight. A hoaxster. An illusion carried out in front of large group.
A secret knowledge that you are carrying out deception.

Kathy Griffin, who holds up the head of Donald J Trump in effigy.
Griffin may play the part, like the little girl named Salome, niece of Herod, on the occasion of Herod’s birthday.

Matthew 14:6-11

The Stones
Gimme Shelter
A favorite played at Trump rallies.


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