PNA-JFK-JamesFiles-Books-Video 08 of 11-354-33MB-RemingtonFireBall

1 year ago

ames Files New Video 2020 GRASSY KNOLL JFK KENNEDY - Remington Fireball - Kennedy was 3rd Assassination with that Weapon - Bit the Shell Casing - Forensic Report Human Tooth Indentations - XM21 HighPowered Rifle - Video 08 of 11 -

David Armstrong

589 subscribers

PNA-JFK-JamesFiles-Books-Video 08 of 11-354-33MB-RemingtonFireBall

4.3K views 2 years ago
James Files and the author of the new book "Primary Target JFK How The CIA Used The Chicago Mob To Kill The President" written by Pamela J. Ray will both be back at the GRASSY KNOLL this fall, November 15th-November 23rd, 2020. They will be there to answer any questions and talk with the people about the occurrence. We have put together a series of short videos that pertain to the Kennedy assassination. If you  …

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