Transforming Inner Child Wounds to Create Financial Stability

1 year ago

You can transform your inner child wounds into financial stability once you understand the safety wound.

If you’re empathic, you feel EVERYTHING. During the younger years, feeling unsafe is one of the most agonizing and terrifying emotional states to endure.

In order to cope with your life, if you ever felt unsafe, you likely decided to unconsciously turn safety into a non-issue so that you would never have to feel the pain of having your safety need continually go unmet.

You literally abandon the need to feel safe to survive.

In doing so, you learn to make survival mode your comfort zone (and funnily enough a distorted version of safety).

This leads to the unconscious development of sabotaging behaviors that ensure you never have real safety or security in the ways you hope for.

And since money is a form of security, it is one of the leading relationships you develop a self sabotaging program with.

Learning how to prioritize safety and letting go of survival mode will help you transform your inner child wounds into financial stability for your future.



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